Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Introductions and Links

A bit of an introduction. 

Hi, I'm Jim (Dr. H).

I'm presently an Elementary Special Education teacher (SDC/SDP) in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Here's the introduction video that I created for this year's open house. It's important that you know that all of the opinions that I will share here are my own. Any links I share do not constitute an endorsement of any kind. I have done my best to demonetize this blog. When I share about a commercial resource, I will state my relationship to that company.

Find my autism related articles at Planet Neurodivergent, an Australian platform with a world-wide audience. (no financial relationship, just sharing information and helping an up and coming platform)

I'm working with Irish start-up AutPost to create content. I've sent over my first video (with captions, of course). For more info about AutPost, find them on Facebook. (In exchange for creating video content - about Autistics, by Autistics - I receive access to the whole site.)

My Instagram @WeeJimmy74. (I reject all influencer offers and don't sell from my IG. It's not that I'm against making money, I just don't want some corporate interest to govern what I share or how I experience the world.)

My resume site is at hoerricks.com.

I'm on LinkedIn and Twitter, though I don't check either. An up to date LinkedIn profile was required by a previous employer, but to my view LinkedIn is all corporate promotion and preening. I find Twitter to be chaotic and lack the understanding (or enough anxiety meds) to safely engage in that space. I use various messaging apps (GroupMe, Slack, Line, FB Messanger, and etc.) and despise them all. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, I still prefer email.

I've published a bunch of materials on a variety of topics over at Academic.edu. Most of the materials there are about Freemasonry, Philosophy, and Religion as I've experienced them. There are a few, older autism-related articles as well as a few with a look at a particular historical person / event. (I think they charge for full access. If you find an article that you like, and you want a copy, just ask me.)

BTW, if you're interested, my pronouns are they, them, their, or Dr. 

I can't predict when or how often I will post here. As things evolve, I may come back to edit / update this post.

I intend to use this space to save helpful links to information and tools. I say helpful - as in helpful to me. What I share may be helpful to you. It may not. If I've shared something that isn't helpful to you, and you choose to comment, please presume grace on my part and make your disagreement polite. If you can, offer an alternative and your reasons why what you're offering is more helpful to you. In this way, we can both get to know each other and grow in a healthy and respectful way.

Go easy on me. I'm autistic, non-verbal, and using this space to process a world and systems not only not designed for people like me ... but in some cases openly hostile to people like me.


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